Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Am Not a Fat Joke

I am not a fat joke.

Yes, when I went to school, I sat next to everybody, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, when I hauled ass, I had to make multiple trips, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, when I sat around the house, I sat around the house, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, I had more chins than a Hong Kong telephone directory, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, I had more pounds than the Bank of England, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, my blood type was O-reo, but I am not a fat joke.

Yes, I was in the Fitness Protection Program, but I am not a fat joke.

One day, I quit feeling sorry for myself and started taking responsibility for my own life.

One day, I got serious about my health and my future.

One day, I decided I was worth more than I was giving myself.

One day, I changed my ways.

One day I was a fat joke.

One day I wasn’t.

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