Friday, May 6, 2011

You May, Indeed, Be a Fat-Neck…

When you’re flippin’ through some older photos and you run across something like this… well, all you can do is laugh…

If you wear Levi 1002s instead of 501s, you might be a fat-neck.

If the picture on your driver’s license is continued on the other side, you might be a fat-neck.

If you’re crossing the street and a motorist swerves to miss hitting you but runs out of gas in the process, you might be a fat-neck.

If you turn a teeter-totter into a catapult, you might be a fat-neck.

If you wear control-top turtlenecks, you might be a fat-neck.

If you’ve ever had a run in your blue jeans, you might be a fat-neck.

If you have to wear a three-piece bathing suit, you might be a fat-neck.

If people come up to you, rub your belly, and say “Oh Buddha, grant me my wish,” you might be a fat-neck.

If you can’t find a shawl that fits, you might be a fat-neck.

If you’re being recruited to be on The Biggest-est Loser, you might be a fat-neck.

If you sit down in your bathtub and the water in the toilet bowl rises, you might be a fat-neck.

Here's to everyone who's on the road to a healthier future.
It may take longer than you want, but we're gonna get there! 
Until then, keep your chins up.

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