Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time to Step Up

What are you fretting about? It’s not that you’ve failed… it’s just that you’re still in pre-success mode.

Your goal seems unattainable, the challenges that beset you seem insurmountable.

You’ve put everything you need in your cart…

  • Gotta eat less – check

  • Gotta exercise move – check

  • Gotta cram a few veggies in my maw – check

  • Gotta hold myself accountable and be smarter about my choices – check and check

…and yet you still haven’t bought in. I mean really honestly and truly bought in to this grand adventure.

Because if you had, you’d be well on your way.

Sorry to just flat-out say it like that, but there you go. Because that’s the kind of straight-shootin’ son-of-a-bitch I am, I’ll say it again: if you had, you’d be well on your way.

If it’ll make you feel any better, I’m right there with you.

What do you suppose is holding us back anyway?

We have a problem, you and I. Something inside us pushes us down a path we have no business walking. Something draws us into a funhouse mirror maze that can be damned difficult to find our way back from.

I’ve spent a lifetime losing weight, it seems, and a relatively short amount of time gaining it.

There’s some faulty wiring inside my cranium that makes me want more than it need and crave things that do my body no earthly good. It fascinates me to no end that a brain that’s in charge of the body’s self-preservation can send such crappy signals, can make non-stop snacking seem like a brilliant idea.

I won’t lie to you… this business can be tough, sometimes tougher than many of us have the willpower or want-to to withstand. But it’s in us to give a little more, to push a little harder, to make a plan and stick to it.

My good buddy Tony at Anti-Jared has decided to up the ante, and invited me to go on a crazy Thelma & Louise-style joyride towards our goal weight. He’s concocted the kind of throwdown–an All Loser's Challenge– that I can really sink my teeth into. His idea is for us… all of us, that is… to get serious about our goals, to start… and this is the crazy part… losing a little weight.

Tony has thrown down the gauntlet.

Me? I’m picking it up.

How about you?

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