• When you make holiday cookies, throw a couple of stink bugs in the batter. They won't be so tempting if you're scared you'll get a stinkbug cookie.
• To curb cravings, gnaw on a pine cone.
• To get it out of your system, go to Starbucks and order a venti Gingerbread Peppermint Mocha cinnamon eggnog latte. Whoa... That's actually pretty good!
• Limiting yourself to one piece of gingerbread doesn't make it okay to eat an entire gingerbread house.
• FDA does not - I repeat does NOT - recommend that you get four to six servings of fruitcake each day.
• Speed carol.
• At holiday parties, ask hostess to please hide all delicious food out of your sight.
• Holiday stress often leads to overeating, so consider slipping into a coma for the month of December.
• On January 1, lots of folks are going to be joining gyms and clogging up the works before they quit after 2 or 3 weeks, so my advice to you is to go ahead and join a gym now so you it won't be so crowded for the 2 or 3 weeks you use it before you quit.
• Jingle all the way (or at least as much of the way as you are able).
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