Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cooking with Jack

I blame this post on Hungry Girl, because she stole my idea of having a line of super-successful cookbooks and then parlaying that to worldwide fame and your own TV show. That was totally my idea, Lisa!

This recipe came from the newest addition to my cookbook collection Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health. So far, everything in it has been outstanding. It even has a section of Raw Food recipes (where this raw slaw concoction came from, as a matter of fact).

But just so you cookbook publishers reading this know... I can make up my own recipes, too. And they'd probably be even better than this one. And definitely better than anything Hungry Girl has ever whomped up. Have your people call my people!

Raw Slaw

Start with three galloops of olive oil (note: a galloop is what you approximate a tablespoon to be if you're too lazy to dig around for measuring spoons).

Add a couple of galoops of apple cider vinegar.

Mmmmmm... apple cider.

Man, apple cider sure tasted better when I was a kid!

Just this much salt: smidge.

And this much pepper: loads.

What thyme is it?

Time to chop up some thyme and throw it into the mix (you can tell it's thyme because it doesn't look like rosemary).

Add a dash of evil.

And whisk it all together with a whisk. Set it aside.

Take one beardfull of kale.

Chop, chop, chop.

Get you some red cabbage. Interesting fact about red cabbage: it's red color comes from a flavonoid called anthocyanin, which is also found in blueberries and flower petals (Flavonoids are actually a kick-ass antioxidant).

Chop til you drop. Related interesting fact: typing the word "flavonoid" made me think of my favorite Saturday morning cartoon when I was a kid: The Herculoids.

Third interesting fact: I don't know when my parent's wedding anniversary is, but I can still name all the Herculoids (Zandor, Tarra, Dorno, Zok, Igoo, Tundro and Gloop & Gleep).

Furiously grate three or so carrots; grate them as if the very fate of the land of Amzot on the planet Quasar depended on it.

While you're grating, toss in a couple of nice apples.

Mix it all together. Now you're cooking! (well, technically you're NOT cooking, but you get my drift).

Pour on your whisked-up dressing.

You may want to add some more thyme or black pepper.

It's raw slaw, ya'll.

Next on Cooking with Jack:
Jack's secret to the freshest scrambled eggs you've ever tasted!

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