Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Tale of Two Sh*tty's

Weekly weigh-in: 225.5
Loss: --
Total loss: -66.4

Emotion: Resolved

It was the best of weigh-ins. It was the worst of weigh-ins.

It seems as though that's my modus operandi these days. I go back and forth more than a contestant on "So You Think You Can Dance."

I know that success with this weight-loss business comes from stringing good days together.

 I know it...I know it like I know the lyrics to any and every 60's or 70's TV sitcom... I know it and I still struggle.

I half-heartedly hopped on the scale a couple of weeks ago and saw a number that set off the emergency sirens in my skull.

I know in my heart of hearts that it was an artificially high number due to a super-salty spread at ourfavorite Ethiopian restaurant, but it still got my attention.

So I buckled down and tried to see if my outlandish "eat-less and exercise-more" regimen was still just crazy enough to work.

I measured and tracked on the food front, grunted and groaned through my daily workouts.

It was really tough sledding for a couple of days, but I finally settled back into at least the semblance if a regular routine.

Sometimes an even-steven weigh-in feels like a victory and sometimes it feels like a kick in the kidneys.

This time?

This time I'm too busy looking forward to the next weigh-in to pay it much mind...

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