Thursday, December 30, 2010

Today is the First Day of the Rest of… Oh, Who Am I Kidding?

You’ve got a clean slate, a new year that’s just begging for you to make something spectacular out of it.

Think about it:  wouldn’t it be nice to be sitting where you’re sitting this time next year and say “Look at everything I accomplished this year” without that sentence being accompanied by an eye roll and farting noises?

There are a ton of whip-you-up-into-a-lather posts this time of year, but the truth of the matter is – just like always –it’s all on you.

You’re either going to decide that this is your time and act on it… or not.

You’re either going to take big strides to make meaningful and positive changes in your life… or not.

You’re either going to straighten up and fly right… or not.

This time of year, the vast majority of us are going to be on one side of the teeter-totter, talking our big talk about the changes we plan to make in our diet, our exercise regimen, our life.

We’ll be there with our ever-present resolutions and never-been-sweat-in workout gear.

We’ll be there with our shiny new gym memberships and our promises to each other and ourselves.

We’ll be there with freshly minted purpose and every good intention.

And, almost immediately, folks will begin dropping off. Or… more likely… sliding back to the center of the teeter-totter, where it’s the most comfortable. Where there’s the least amount of upheaval and change.

Maybe it’s cynical, but I don’t have much faith in first-of-the-year proclamations. It’s easy to work yourself up into a bombastic fit, especially when everyone around you is smack-talking about what they’re gonna do in the new year.

Lasting change? That’s a different story.

Don’t get me wrong–I really do hope that today starts something special for you. I hope you find your way on this twisty road and I hope you accomplish everything you’ve set out to accomplish.

But this is bigger than a date on a calendar or a bullet point on a list of resolutions. It has to be bigger than that for you to really reach your goals.

You’re going to do it this year… or not.

It’s your choice.

It always is.


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